10 Things I Learned About Friendship


This article was featured in its entirety in elephant journal at http://www.elephantjournal.com/2015/03/10-things-ive-learned-about-friendship/ 


Over the past year or so changes in my life have caused me to take a good look at the people I consider friends. Growing up, my parents dispensed a lot of advice about friends and friendship- some good, some not-so-great- but as I grew older I realized I had to be smarter about my choices. I needed to make my own rules. Not everyone who smiles with you is your friend; not everyone who seems mean to you is your enemy either. People who mean so much to you one day may not mean so much a year or two out. Be that as it may, I still have some very good people in my life who confirm to me not only that I have good friends, but that I know how to be a good friend.

Here’s what I’ve learned:

1: Your friends celebrate with you when you are happy. They don’t look for ways to diminish your happiness, even when they are not happy themselves.

2: Your friends cry with you when you are sad. They don’t downplay your grief as though it were insignificant, even if they believe differently.

3: Your friends will call you out on your bullshit. They will be the first ones to tell you when you are being an idiot, when you are being petty or rude, when you are being a moron or a jackass. Your friends are not “yes” people. Your friends help to keep you in line with the truth of who you really are.

4: In the dark times of your life your friends will find you and turn the light on. Your friends don’t add to the drama and insanity by punishing you with insensitivity.

5: Your friends learn your song and will sing it back to you when you’ve forgotten the words. There will be times when you feel so lost, like you’ve forgotten who you are. There are people who know you inside and out who will be happy to remind you because they love you. These are your friends.

6: Your friends will take great lengths to understand your quirks, your flaws, likes and dislikes. They will not judge you. They will love you just as you are and will not try to change you.

7: You know your friends because they are the ones who help you to be a better person just by virtue of who they are and by their presence in your life, whether you talk to them every day or once every seven years.

8: Facebook may say you have over 100 friends. In real life, you only have seven, plus or minus two. Of those seven, only three are in your inner circle, and there is only one person whom you will call at 3 a.m. when you cannot sleep. Understand those numbers. The entire world cannot fit in your front row, nor should it.

9: As you get older, your friends will change because your needs and wants will change. Your true friends will understand that and be okay with it.

10: Friendship, like love, is a form of energy. It can neither be created nor destroyed; it simply transfers from one state to the next. Cherish your friendships and pay attention to them. They are important in navigating the seas of life. In order to have good friends, you must practice being a good friend.

What are your friendship rules? Share in the comments! I’d love hear about your friendship experiences.


We are all love.

One of the things I miss the most from growing up in the 90’s is listening to the “Quiet Storm” music segment on the radio on Sunday evenings. The DJ’s would break out all the love songs and host shout-outs to all the couples- those who wanted to brag about how much they loved each other, and occasionally the ones who wanted (needed?) to apologize and make up.


I grew up with a very romanticized idea of love and relationships. There are moments where I think life has all but knocked those notions out of me, and then there are days like today when I think of how wonderful it was (and still is) to see life through those eyes…believing that anything is possible, and that love is the most wonderful feeling in the human experience.

But more than wanting another human being to love me, or longing for someone to love, I’ve since learned how important it is that I learn to love myself. It is impossible to love others if I do not love myself. If I cannot see the good in myself then I cannot see the good in anyone else- how, then, can I possibly love them?

Love is all around us, folks. We are all love. We are all iterations of the same divine breath. The same spirit that flows through me flows through you, and so it is with every sentient being on this earth. Loving myself does not mean annihilating (what is perceived as) the negative and embellishing (what is perceived as) the positive. It means acknowledging the negative and focusing on the positive. It means knowing who I am- strengths and weaknesses- and accepting myself for exactly who I am. Only then can I see others for who they are and accept them, flaws and all.

#‎Love‬‪#‎SelfLove‬ ‪#‎Eros‬ ‪#‎Agape‬ ‪#‎Philios‬ ‪#‎LetUsSteadfastlyLoveOneAnother‬‪#‎WO2H2O‬

Hope you have a wonderful Sunday night!
Light & Love