Dear Future Husband, Never Give Up

Jeremiah 29:11 says “I know the plans I have for you,” declares the Lord, “plans to prosper you and not harm you, plans to give you hope and a future.” (New International Version).

In my first letter I told you that I was living out Gods plan and pursuing him. As God keeps revealing His plans and purpose for me each day, I sometimes wonder what are His plans are for you? What is your journey like? What plans do you have for yourself? Then I just pray for you because it’s all I can do and will keep doing for you, always.
Prayer is how we communicate and meet each others’ needs.
Tell me now- what are your plans? Do you have a short term plan or life time plan?
I am a planner by profession and gifting, so I have a 5 year plan and a lifetime plan. It’s basically a list of goals I have set for myself to be achieved in a certain time period. In my plans you fit in, but knowing God, He has His own plans and timing, which is perfect and beyond my wildest dreams. I’m yet to see how and when He reveals us to each other!


In this letter, I just want to encourage you to never give up.

#1.Never give up yourself. You are your number 1 fan, cheerleader and success story. So chin up, suit up and smile. You’ve got this!

#2. Never give up on God. He will never give up on you, even when everyone else has. He is the same yesterday, today and tomorrow. He loves you like that. He also is your biggest fan and cheerleader. He is your pillar of strength, support system and provider of all things. Ask Him and you shall receive.

#3. Never give up on your plans. The heart racing and ever burning plans I believe are the ones God has placed in our hearts. His plans. If I had given up on being an Event Planner, I would have never discovered the great plans God has beyond event planning. God sees the tree in a seed, while we look for the fruit or flower. Let your plans (seed) be planted and rooted in God, nurtured by God and grow into a tree that will produce an everlasting harvest.

And I am encouraging you with words that I am using on myself. Our plans, visions and dreams may be different, but the one who approves them is God. His approval comes with prosperity, hope and a future. He has approved the plan for when we will meet, fall in love, get married, buy a home, have children. He is the architect of our lives and keeper of our time. I have asked Him for you and He told me, “Soon” and I said, “thank you”.

I pray that as we draw near to the point where our journey’s cross paths that God will be there with us and lead us on the path we take together to reach our goals and dreams. I pray that as you continue on your journey that God leads you and His angels guide you, always.

I pray that you will seek Him in every way and for everything as He is your provider of all things.

And lastly I pray that you may grow spiritually as you read God’s word and commune with Him.

I thank God for you and your ability to fulfill the plans He has for you.

You are a conqueror. You are the head and not the tail. You are filled with great wisdom and knowledge to be the best in your field and capacity. You have the power and strength to be a great man of influence and impact.

Now go out there and be You, in prosperity, hope and a beautiful future!!

With love,


#DearFutureHusband notes started last year (2014) as love notes to my Future Husband.  God has not brought him my way yet, but I am still believing in Him for my gift.  Putting the notes on social media was a way of hopefully grabbing his attention. I was basically making conversation and in doing so, inspiring other women to empower and encourage their Future Husbands before meeting them, to see the good in a man and want the best for him. Some of the posts are personal and for my #DearFutureHusband and some are for #DearFutureHusbands and Husbands out there.

About The Author: 

10428640_10205536827637733_491797516647396958_nHarmony Zenande Botya is an inspirational writer from Western Cape, South Africa. She is a first year student at The Aleit Academy and aspiring Events Coordinator. She loves good books, good food, good music and being surround by people with good conversation and energy. One other thing she loves is sending words of love, encouragement and empowerment to others. Says Harmony, “God is my first and last love, desire and focus.  I am who I am today because of His love, grace and blessings.”

(Author’s photo used with author’s permission)

Editor: Asa-Mari Thompson 

Photo credit: google images

Dear Future Husband, Meet Me In The Promised Land



I have spent most of my life waiting for you. Waiting to experience and explore life with you. Waiting to meet you, see you, touch you, love you and most of all hold your hand. I have been waiting. In the many years of waiting, I’ve met a few guys who seemed to be like the man I imagined you to be, but truth be told, they weren’t you. I took some time out to fix myself up and surround myself with love so when you came you’d notice me as beautiful and filled with love. I wrote you love notes on Facebook, hoping you would see them and notice me. I prayed for you and spent time talking to God about someone only He knew existed.

I’m done waiting, I’m done talking, I’m done dreaming and I’m done writing.

You are only just a part of my dreams and plans, not yet my reality. Day and night, same thing. Reality is the life I am living now, God wills and plans. I have moved from this place of “waiting” for you to appear and journey with me. I am moving on with God’s plans and no longer my plans.

You were a part of my plans. Only God knows where and when you fit into His plans. To dream of you every day is only holding me back to what I wanted and never got; what is expected of you right now and are not here to fulfill. It’s time I let go of the dream and idea of you and just live out God’s plan for me right now, which is a dream come true everyday. If this means continuing this journey alone, then so be it. I’ve come this far with God; we can keep going on together.

If along the way we do cross paths, I hope that you are everything I imagined and more, A man after God’s own heart. And I hope I am everything you imagined me to be and what God has me to be for you. Don’t look for me here or wonder if I am coming back to the place I first prayed about you and for you. The place where I waited for you. I’ve gone to where God has me to be right now, the Promised Land. Ask Him where that is and where I am; He will show you the way.

Don’t get angry with God if you reach a place and I’m not there; I’m on the move now, pursuing my purpose. Don’t get upset if I don’t see you or notice you; I’m purposed and God-driven now. Don’t get upset with God when it takes years to find me; waiting taught me patience. Don’t lose focus on God in pursuit of me; I did that, and that’s how you first broke my heart. You never appeared.

You will eventually reach the Promised Land and that’s where I will be; not waiting, but living and loving life as God planned for me.

With love


#DearFutureHusband notes started last year (2014) as love notes to my Future Husband.  God has not brought him my way yet, but I am still believing in Him for my gift.  Putting the notes on social media was a way of hopefully grabbing his attention. I was basically making conversation and in doing so, inspiring other women to empower and encourage their Future Husbands before meeting them, to see the good in a man and want the best for him.  It later became a platform to inspire and encourage Future Husbands and already Husbands to be the best they can be. Some of the posts are personal and for my #DearFutureHusband and some are for #DearFutureHusbands and Husbands out there.

About The Author: 

10428640_10205536827637733_491797516647396958_nHarmony Zenande Botya is an inspirational writer from Western Cape, South Africa. She is a first year student at The Aleit Academy and aspiring Events Coordinator. She loves good books, good food, good music and being surround by people with good conversation and energy. One other thing she loves is sending words of love, encouragement and empowerment to others. Says Harmony, “God is my first and last love, desire and focus.  I am who I am today because of His love, grace and blessings.”

(Author’s photo used with author’s permission)

Editor: Asa-Mari Thompson 

Photo credit: google images